Cairo British School is a British Curriculum school which offers a well-rounded education, enabling students to take their places as contributing members of society in both the Egyptian and international contexts.
at the Foundation Stage and progress through the Primary and Middle School sections to the High School where they sit the IGCSE and A-level examinations set by the Cambridge, Oxford and Pearson Edexcel boards.
Teachers are engaged and equipped to offer quality education throughout.
In the foundation and primary sections, the class teachers are foreigners who have an excellent command of the English language, both spoken and written.
This ensures students learn to speak English clearly and to write it accurately.
At the end of year 6, CBS students write the Primary Checkpoint examinations in English, Mathematics and Science.
Set and marked by Cambridge, they allow us to benchmark our students’ progress according to international standards.
This process continues at the end of Year 8 when students write Secondary 1 Checkpoint in the same subjects.
In Year 9 we begin the pre-IGCSE curriculum with students writing the core papers in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
From this springboard, they are able to go on to sit the extended papers in Year 10.
Students who wish to go on to A level do so in Year 11/12 whilst others complete their IGCSE examinations.